Thursday, April 05, 2007


Home Business Online - How to Use Offline Advertising for an Online Business III

Perhaps a series of business magazines would be more appropriate. Do your homework properly and you can target your offline adverts in much the same way as you can your online ads using keywords. You can run a series of small ads in a number of different publications at minimum cost and analyze the response.

Drop those that fail and work on those with which you have some success. You can do this with specific magazines, specific newspapers and posters. That is why many of the ads you see in newspapers have a code. They are there to provide the advertiser with tracking information. The poorer responding adverts are dropped and transferred to another publication to continue the testing.

You can advertise your web site by putting it on your car, on your business cards and on all letters and other offline communications you send. Even put it on your greetings cards and as part of your signature. All of this helps to get your website known, if not a specific product.

If you lean how to use offline advertising for an online business, you will be adding another string to your bow, and broadening your advertising reach. That can only be good for sales, and there is no logical reason why online products should only be advertised online.

The bottom line is, you are always looking for the path of least resistance, the way to make more sales using less money. That's it – and sometimes offline advertising can be a good addition to your marketing mix for your online business

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